By Karthik Anand on January 14 2024

From 4.5% to 18% MQL to SQL Conversion in
3 Months: Vymo's Success Story

Struggling to improve top-to-mid funnel efficiency? We helped Vymo to 4X their lead conversion in just three months. And guess what? That’s not all.

Company Name


Back in September 2020, Vymo was struggling to turn MQLs into SQLs. The conversion rate was only 4.5%. We worked together to improve this, and within three months, we increased the conversion rate to 18%. This set the stage for generating a marketing-sourced pipeline worth $41.5 million.

Company Profile

Vymo is a leading cloud-based sales engagement platform built for financial institutions. Over 75% of users actively leverage Vymo daily, proving its effectiveness. In February 2022, Vymo raised $22 million in Series C funding to support further growth and innovation.

Their Challenges

We started by pinpointing the issues:

Manual Lead Routing: Leads were assigned manually, causing delays.
Low-Intent Leads: Many of the 600 leads per quarter weren’t really interested.
Manual Follow-Up: Follow-ups were slow and inconsistent.
No Segmentation: There was no distinction between high and low-intent leads.
No Lead Enrichment: We didn’t have enough information on the leads.

Our Solutions

We addressed these issues with several key changes:

Round Robin Lead Allocation: Assigned leads evenly to sales reps for faster responses.
Better Qualification with Lead Scoring: Prioritized leads based on their interest.
Customized Outreach: Tailored messages depending on where the lead came from.
Chili Piper Integration: Made it easier to book meetings with high-intent leads.

Results & Improvements

These changes led to a huge improvement. The MQL to SQL conversion rate jumped from 4.5% to 18% in just three months. Over time, these efforts helped create a marketing-sourced pipeline worth more than $41.5 million.


Increased in MQL to SQL


Marketing sourced pipeline


Improvement in lead
management efficiency


Roshan Cariappa
VP Marketing, Vymo

We brought on Karthick in 2020 to solve a very specific yet complex problem – improving top to mid funnel efficiency; in less than a quarter Karthick helped us double that number! And we got significantly better in subsequent quarters.

Since then, I have thrown various problems at him and he has brought his rich marketing experience and diverse skill set to bear and delivered tremendous results for us at Vymo. Karthick has been a great sounding board for me and has helped me improve my perspective on Marketing.

He was that integral cog in tying together the two ends of strategy and execution. He has helped various members of the team uplevel in their domain and has helped us stitch together a more cohesive marketing strategy. It has been an absolute pleasure working with Karthick – his can do spirit and optimism is inspiring! Highly recommend working with Karthick on all nature of Marketing and Growth challenges.

Want to improve your lead conversions?

Let’s get on a call, and start with a complimentary audit!

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