B2B Enterprise Content Marketing for SaaS: A Complete Guide

B2B Enterprise Content Marketing

B2B enterprise content marketing for SaaS is a targeted strategy to engage and convert business clients through valuable content. Content marketing addresses specific needs of business decision-makers, building credibility and trust while showcasing your solution’s benefits.

This guide covers B2B enterprise content marketing essentials for SaaS companies. We’ll present a straightforward framework for a successful B2B content strategy, including audience identification, goal-setting, and content format selection. You’ll see examples of effective B2B content marketing from other SaaS companies.

We’ll also explain how RevvGrowth can help you create result-driven content that supports your SaaS business goals. Let’s get started!

What’s different about B2B enterprise content marketing?

You might be thinking, “Isn’t all content marketing the same?” Well, not quite. When you’re marketing to other businesses, especially big ones (that’s what we mean by “enterprise”), there are some special things to keep in mind:

  1. It takes longer to make a sale: When you’re selling to a big company, it usually takes more time. There are often many people involved in the decision, and they need to be really sure before they buy. This means your content needs to keep them interested for a longer time.
  2. Your audience knows a lot: The people you’re trying to reach in these big companies usually know their stuff. They’re not looking for basic information – they want deep, valuable content that really helps them.
  3. They care a lot about return on investment (ROI): Big companies want to know that they’re spending their money wisely. Your content should show them how your product or service will help them save money or make more money.
  4. You need to talk to different people: In a big company, lots of people might be involved in deciding to buy your product. Your content needs to speak to all of them – from the CEO to the people who will actually use your product every day.
  5. You need to be an expert: To impress these companies, you need to really know what you’re talking about. Your content should show that you understand their industry and their problems.

Personal touch matters: Many B2B companies use something called account-based marketing. This means creating content that’s specially made for specific companies they want to work with.

A helpful framework for B2B SaaS content marketing

To help you create great content for B2B enterprises, we’ve come up with a simple framework. We call it SCALE:
A helpful framework for B2B SaaS content marketing

S – Segment and strategize

First, you need to figure out exactly who you’re trying to reach. Think about the kinds of companies you want as customers. Then, think about the people in those companies who will be involved in buying your product. What are their roles? What do they care about? Once you know this, you can make a plan for your content that fits with your overall business goals.

C – Create comprehensive content

Now it’s time to make your content. You should create different types of content – things like detailed guides, case studies that show how you’ve helped other companies, and webinars where you can share your knowledge. Remember, your content should be in-depth and really helpful. Think about the problems your potential customers have, and create content that helps solve those problems.

A – Amplify through multiple channels

Creating great content is just the first step. You also need to make sure people see it. Use different ways to share your content – your website, email, social media, and even articles in industry magazines. If you’re using account-based marketing, make sure you’re sending personalised content to the companies you really want to work with. It can also help to work with well-known people in your industry to spread your content further.

L – Lead nurturing

Remember how we said the sales process can take a long time? This is where lead nurturing comes in. It’s all about staying in touch with potential customers and giving them helpful information over time. Use tools to figure out which leads are most likely to become customers. Then, create a series of emails or other content that’s tailored to where they are in their buying journey. There are tools that can help you send the right content to the right person at the right time.

E – Evaluate and evolve

Finally, you need to check how well your content is working. Set clear goals for what you want your content to achieve. Regularly look at how your content is performing and whether it’s helping you meet those goals. Use this information to keep improving your content and your strategy.

Great examples of B2B SaaS content marketing

Now that we’ve talked about how to do content marketing for B2B SaaS, let’s look at some companies that are doing it really well:

1. Salesforce and trailhead 

Salesforce is a big name in the world of SaaS, and they’ve created something really cool called Trailhead. It’s a place where people can learn how to use Salesforce products, and they can even learn general business skills. The best part? It’s free. This is great content marketing because it helps people use Salesforce better, which makes them more likely to keep using it and recommend it to others.

2. HubSpot’s blog and resources

Hubspot has a huge blog and resource centre. They write about all sorts of things related to marketing, sales, and customer service. They also offer guides, templates, and tools that people can use. This positions HubSpot as a real expert in their field, which makes people more likely to trust and buy from them.

3. Adobe’s 

Adobe has created a whole website called It’s specially made for top marketing executives (CMO stands for Chief Marketing Officer). By providing really good content for these important decision-makers, Adobe builds relationships with them. This subtly promotes Adobe’s marketing products to exactly the people who might buy them.

These companies are doing a great job of using content to educate their audience, keep them engaged, and ultimately grow their businesses.

Why choose RevvGrowth for your B2B SaaS content marketing?

Now, you might be thinking, “This all sounds great, but it also sounds like a lot of work!” That’s where Revv Growth comes in. We’re experts in content marketing for B2B SaaS companies. Here’s why we’re a great choice:

  1. We know SaaS: Our team really understands the B2B SaaS world. This means we can create content that really speaks to your audience.
  2. We use data: We don’t just guess what might work. We use advanced tools to figure out what content will have the biggest impact.
  3. We do it all: From coming up with strategies to creating content to sharing it with the world, we can handle every step of the process.
  4. We can grow with you: Whether you’re a small startup or a big enterprise, our approach can adapt to fit your needs.
  5. We have a track record: We’ve helped lots of B2B SaaS companies grow through content marketing. We know what works.

You’re not just hiring someone to write some blog posts. You’re partnering with a team that’s committed to helping your business grow through really effective content marketing.

Wrapping up

Content marketing for B2B SaaS enterprises might seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. By understanding what makes it different, following a solid framework like SCALE, learning from great examples, and partnering with experts like RevvGrowth, you can create a content marketing strategy that really works for your business.

Remember, great content can help you connect with potential customers, show them the value of your product, and ultimately grow your business. So why wait? Start thinking about how you can use content marketing to take your B2B SaaS enterprise to the next level.

And if you want some help along the way, Revvgrowth is here for you. We’d love to chat about how we can help you create a content marketing strategy that really works for your business. Get in touch with us today!

Enterprise content marketing FAQs

1. What is enterprise content marketing?

Enterprise content marketing is a strategy where large organizations create and distribute valuable content to attract, engage, and convert their target audience.

2. Why is content marketing important for enterprises?

It helps enterprises build brand awareness, establish thought leadership, generate leads, and nurture customer relationships at scale.

3. What types of content are used in enterprise content marketing?

Common formats include blogs, whitepapers, eBooks, case studies, infographics, webinars, and video content.

4. How is enterprise content marketing different from traditional content marketing?

It typically involves larger teams, more complex approval processes, cross-department collaboration, and higher content output to address diverse target audiences and business goals.

5. How can enterprises measure content marketing success?

Metrics include website traffic, lead generation, engagement (likes, shares, comments), conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI). And the publishing frequency varies, but consistency is key. Many enterprises aim for regular posts (weekly or biweekly), supported by a well-planned editorial calendar.

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