15 Key Content Marketing Metrics Every Business Should Track in 2024

15 Key Content Marketing Metrics Every Business Should Track in 2024


Content marketing has emerged as a foundation strategy for SaaS businesses seeking to engage their target audience, drive conversions, and promote long-term relationships. However, to assess the effectiveness of their content efforts, businesses must track and analyze key content marketing metrics.

These metrics provide invaluable insights into the performance and impact of content initiatives, enabling businesses to refine their strategies, optimize their resources, and achieve their marketing objectives.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the 15 key content marketing metrics that SaaS businesses should track, empowering you to unlock the full potential of your content strategy and drive measurable results.

What is content marketing metrics?

Content marketing metrics are the standards used to measure how well your content is performing and how it’s contributing to your marketing goals. These metrics help you understand the impact of your content on your audience, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your strategy for better results.

From tracking website traffic to analyzing engagement rates and conversion metrics, content marketing metrics provide valuable insights into various aspects of your content strategy.

The 5 types of content marketing metrics

Understanding the various types of content marketing metrics is essential for effectively measuring the success of your content strategy.

By leveraging these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into different aspects of your content performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your marketing efforts for better results.

Here are 5 types of content marketing metrics:

  1. Consumption metrics
  2. Engagement metrics
  3. Conversion metrics
  4. Retention metrics
  5. ROI metrics

Let’s look into each of the above types in brief:

1. Consumption metrics

Consumption metrics gauge how your audience interacts with your content. This includes metrics such as page views, unique visitors, and downloads.

Consumption metrics provide insights into the reach and visibility of your content, helping you understand its popularity and audience engagement levels.

2. Engagement metrics

Engagement metrics measure the level of interaction and involvement your audience has with your content. This includes metrics such as time spent on page, bounce rate, and social shares.

Engagement metrics offer insights into the quality and relevance of your content, indicating how well it resonates with your audience.

3. Conversion metrics

Conversion metrics assess the effectiveness of your content in driving desired actions from your audience. This includes metrics such as click-through rates, form submissions, and lead generation.

Conversion metrics help you understand how effectively your content contributes to achieving your business goals and driving tangible results.

4. Retention metrics

Retention metrics evaluate the ability of your content to retain and nurture your audience over time. This includes metrics such as return visitors, email open rates, and subscription renewals.

Retention metrics provide insights into the long-term impact of your content on building brand loyalty and promoting ongoing relationships with your audience.

5. ROI metrics

ROI metrics measure the return on investment generated by your content marketing efforts. This includes metrics such as customer acquisition cost, revenue attribution, and overall ROI.

In conclusion, understanding and leveraging the five types of content marketing metrics are essential for evaluating the effectiveness of your content strategy. By analyzing consumption, engagement, conversion, retention, and ROI metrics, you can gain valuable insights into different aspects of your content performance and make informed decisions to optimize your marketing efforts.

15 Key content marketing metrics you should consider tracking for your content marketing efforts

Whether you’re aiming to boost brand awareness, drive conversions, or nurture customer relationships, having a comprehensive understanding of key content marketing metrics is essential for success. These metrics serve as the compass guiding your strategy, offering valuable insights into audience engagement, content performance, and overall ROI.

In this section, we’ll delve into the 15 key content marketing metrics that you should consider tracking for your content marketing efforts.

The key content marketing metrics include:

  1. Original search traffic
  2. Lead generation metrics
  3. Brand awareness
  4. Bounce rate analysis
  5. Impressions and credibility
  6. Content-specific bounce rate
  7. Time on page for SEO
  8. Engagement across social media
  9. Comments and social interactions
  10. Comprehensive ROI analysis
  11. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  12. Email marketing metrics
  13. Customer retention metrics
  14. Content quality assessment
  15. Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA)

Let’s look into each of the above metrics in brief:

1. Organic search traffic

Evaluate the effectiveness of your search engine optimization efforts by tracking your content’s organic search traffic.

This metric gives insights into how well your content is performing in search engine results, contributing to increased visibility.

2. Lead generation metrics

Assess the impact of your content on lead generation by examining specific metrics related to conversions.

Understanding how your content contributes to lead acquisition is crucial for optimizing your strategy for business growth.

3. Brand awareness

Measure the success of your content in increasing brand awareness.

By analyzing metrics related to brand mentions, shares, and visibility, you can gauge how well your content resonates with your target audience, ultimately strengthening your brand presence.

4. Bounce rate analysis

Delve deeper into user engagement with a meticulous analysis of bounce rates.

Identify pages or content types with high bounce rates to refine and enhance user experience, ensuring that your audience stays engaged and explores more of your content.

5. Impressions and credibility

Track how many impressions your content receives and evaluate its impact on your website’s credibility.

A higher number of impressions indicates increased visibility, positively influencing your website’s credibility in the eyes of your audience and search engines alike.

6. Content-specific bounce rate

Isolate the bounce rate for specific pages to pinpoint areas that may need improvement.

Understanding the bounce rate for particular content allows you to tailor strategies to retain visitors and guide them through your website effectively.

7. Time on page for SEO

Consider the time visitors spend on your content as a vital SEO metric.

Longer durations not only signify engagement but also contribute positively to search engine rankings, enhancing your content’s visibility and reach.

8. Engagement across social media

Assess your content’s popularity and reach by counting social shares.

Engaging content is more likely to be shared, increasing its visibility and attracting a broader audience, thereby amplifying your brand message across social media platforms.

9. Comments and social interactions

Measure the level of audience involvement with your content by monitoring comments, likes, and shares on social media.

Understanding these interactions helps you tailor your content to resonate better with your audience, promoting a sense of community.

10. Comprehensive ROI analysis

Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your content marketing ROI.

Calculate revenue generated relative to expenses, providing a clear understanding of the financial impact of your content strategy on overall business objectives.

11. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Evaluate the effectiveness of your content in driving conversions by analyzing conversion rates.

Understanding which content assets contribute most to conversions enables you to prioritize optimization efforts and maximize your return on investment.

12. Email marketing metrics

Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber growth to assess the performance of your email marketing campaigns.

By integrating email marketing metrics with your content strategy, you can nurture leads, drive engagement, and promote content effectively.

13. Customer retention metrics

Measure the impact of your content on customer retention and loyalty by tracking metrics such as repeat purchase rate, churn rate, and customer lifetime value.

Content that resonates with existing customers reinforces brand loyalty, encourages repeat business, and promotes long-term relationships.

14. Content quality assessment

Conduct regular assessments of content quality to ensure consistency and relevance.

By analyzing metrics such as readability, engagement, and sentiment analysis, you can identify areas for improvement and maintain high standards across your content portfolio.

15. Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA)

Implement multi-touch attribution models to accurately attribute conversions to various touchpoints along the customer journey.

By understanding the role of different content assets in driving conversions, you can optimize your content mix for maximum impact and ROI.

By incorporating these metrics into your tracking routine, you can gain deeper insights into the performance of your content, allowing you to optimize strategies for enhanced engagement, lead generation, and overall success.

How to measure content marketing ROI metrics?

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of your content marketing efforts is essential for assessing the effectiveness of your strategy and maximizing its impact on your business goals.

By understanding how to measure content marketing ROI metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the financial performance of your content initiatives and make informed decisions to optimize your strategy for better results.

Here’s how to measure them effectively:

  1. Cost of content creation
  2. Revenue generated
  3. Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)
  4. Conversion rates
  5. Lifetime Value of Customers (LTV)

Let’s look into each of the above points in brief:

1. Cost of content creation

Begin by calculating the total cost incurred in creating your content.

This includes expenses related to content creation, distribution, and promotion, as well as any associated overhead costs.

2. Revenue generated

Determine the revenue generated directly attributable to your content marketing activities.

This may include sales generated from content-driven leads, conversions attributed to content assets, and revenue from customers acquired through content channels.

3. Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)

Calculate the cost of acquiring customers through your content marketing efforts.

Divide the total content marketing costs by the number of new customers acquired to determine the average CAC associated with your content strategy.

4. Conversion rates

Analyze conversion rates at various stages of the customer journey to understand how effectively your content drives conversions.

Track metrics such as click-through rates, form submissions, and sales conversions to gauge the performance of your content in converting leads into customers.

5. Lifetime Value of Customers (LTV)

Assess the lifetime value of customers acquired through your content marketing efforts.

Calculate the average revenue generated per customer over their entire relationship with your business to determine the long-term value of your content-driven acquisitions.

Measuring content marketing ROI metrics enables you to quantify the financial impact of your content initiatives and evaluate their contribution to your business objectives.

By tracking costs, revenue, acquisition metrics, conversion rates, and customer lifetime value, you can gain actionable insights to optimize your content strategy for greater effectiveness and profitability.


In conclusion, tracking content marketing metrics is essential for SaaS businesses looking to drive meaningful outcomes and achieve their marketing goals.

By monitoring key metrics such as website traffic, engagement rates, conversion rates, and ROI, businesses can gain actionable insights into the performance of their content initiatives and make informed decisions to optimize their strategies.

Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or nurturing customer relationships, content marketing metrics provide the foundation for success.

By leveraging these metrics effectively, SaaS businesses can drive growth, build credibility, and establish a competitive edge in their industry. So, start tracking these metrics today and unlock the full potential of your content marketing efforts.


1. What are the best metrics to track for marketing?

The best metrics to track in marketing depend on your specific goals, but common ones include:

  • Traffic metrics: Website visits, page views, and unique visitors.
  • Conversion metrics: Conversion rate, click-through rate, and lead generation.
  • Engagement metrics: Social shares, likes, comments, and time spent on page.
  • ROI metrics: Return on Investment (ROI), Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

2. How do you track content marketing performance?

To track content marketing performance, use tools like Google Analytics and marketing automation platforms.

Set up goals, track key metrics (e.g., traffic, conversion rates), and regularly analyze data to evaluate content’s impact on your goals.

3. How do I choose metrics to track?

Choose metrics based on your specific objectives. Start by defining your goals (e.g., increase sales, brand awareness) and identify which metrics align with those goals.

For brand awareness, track metrics like social shares and reach; for sales, track conversion rates and ROI.

4. How do you track KPIs and metrics?

Tracking KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and metrics involves using analytics tools, setting up tracking codes, and monitoring data regularly.

Many marketing platforms offer built-in tracking features, making it easier to monitor performance.

5. What is KPI vs. metric vs. measure?

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a specific, high-level metric that directly relates to your business goals. Metrics are quantitative data points used to measure various aspects of performance (e.g., conversion rate).

Measures refer to the specific values or data used to calculate metrics (e.g., the number of website visits is a measure used to calculate the traffic metric).

KPIs are the top-level goals, metrics are the numbers you track to assess progress toward those goals, and measures are the raw data points used to calculate metrics.

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