7 Marketing Automation Best Practices for You in 2024!

15 Marketing Automation Best Practices for You in 2024


Digital marketing has come a long way from just creating websites, collecting emails, and sending monthly newsletters. Today, marketing teams use advanced strategies and tools to personalize messages for their audience, with more data than ever before. Marketing automation plays a big role in this. While it isn’t a one-stop solution for every challenge, it can greatly enhance your marketing strategy if used properly. 

In a recent survey, 61% of companies admitted that implementing marketing automation can be challenging. But don’t worry! 

We are here to guide you with the best practices that will help you automate marketing work within your organization. 

Why is marketing automation important? 

Using B2B marketing automation tools and strategies, you can send personalized content to potential customers. These tools also make it simple to manage email campaigns, social media posts, landing pages, and more.

If you want to improve your marketing in 2024, marketing automation has many benefits. It helps you to:

  • Simplify and automate marketing tasks
  • Offer a smooth, personalized experience to customers, leading to more engagement and conversions
  • Shorten the sales process
  • Develop prospects into well-qualified leads

7 Marketing automation best practices to adopt in 2024 

Marketing Automation Best Practices to Adopt


Let’s talk about the 7 marketing automation best practices that will help you get the most from your marketing efforts: 

  • Know your audience 
  • Understand your customer’s journey 
  • Collect the right data 
  • Set up lead scoring 
  • Create multichannel experiences 
  • Automate internal processes, not just campaigns 
  • Track your performance 

1. Know your audience

When you hear “automation,” you might imagine lifeless, mass-produced messages. However, automation done right can produce personalized campaigns. The key is understanding your audience and their needs. Begin by creating profiles known as “personas” that represent your ideal customers, including their demographics (age, location, etc.), interests, motivations, and challenges.

Gather this data from surveys, interviews, focus groups, website, and social media analytics. You can also get helpful insights from your sales team or contact forms. With these personas in hand, design campaigns that truly connect with each group.

2. Understand your customer’s journey 

Customers’ needs and expectations change from when they hear about your brand to when they become loyal customers. Your automated campaigns should reflect this by delivering relevant content that meets customers where they are in the journey.

Start by drawing out a customer journey map that visually shows every step of a customer’s interaction with your business. This map will guide you in planning which messages to send and when helping you shape workflows for your marketing automation.

For example, when someone first joins your email list, please set up a series of welcome emails to build trust and share useful information before you start trying to sell them anything. If they don’t engage with your emails, customize the follow-up content. 

For those who convert into customers, set up onboarding workflows to help them start using your product or service smoothly. For customers whose interest seems to fade, send content that rekindles their enthusiasm. 

3. Collect the right data 

Automation is about sending messages that matter, not just sending messages on a larger scale. This requires gathering the right information about your audience. Start by collecting data with your signup forms, asking questions based on what influences your customer’s needs.

In B2C marketing, things like age or location might be important, whereas in B2B marketing, company size and industry matter more. Keep collecting customer insights based on their behavior as they interact with your business, such as what emails they open or what products they buy. With this information, you can segment your list into groups that receive content suited to their interests.

4. Set up lead scoring 

Lead scoring is assigning a value to customer actions, like reading a blog post or visiting your pricing page. Different actions get different points based on how well they show a customer’s interest in your product. Create a system that assigns points to actions and gives you a clear idea of which customers are most interested and which need more nurturing.

Once you’ve scored your leads, you’ll know which ones are ready for a sales pitch and which ones need more attention before being handed off to the sales team. This helps you maximize conversions.

5. Create multichannel experiences 

Email is a common way to automate campaigns, but it’s not the only way. Use other channels like SMS, WhatsApp, and social media to reach your audience in different ways. For instance, SMS can deliver urgent messages quickly.

Imagine you’re preparing people for an event: You can use a series of emails to share pre-event info and then follow up with a final SMS reminder. Afterward, send another SMS thanking attendees and asking for feedback via a survey. You could also combine email campaigns with social media ads. If you’re trying to recover abandoned carts, retarget people on social media.

6. Automate internal processes, not just campaigns

Automation can save time not only on campaigns but also on your internal tasks. Automate contact list segmentation by setting up triggers, like moving contacts into different groups after they make a purchase. Clean up your lists by automatically removing inactive subscribers. 

Assign leads to the right sales representative based on criteria like location. This helps the team follow up quickly and ensures that each prospect gets the right support.

7. Track your performance

Even after automating campaigns, only let them run with monitoring. Check how well they’re performing to identify areas that need improvement. Look at open and click rates to see if your messages meet your audience’s needs. Unsubscribes mean the content needs to be more relevant.

Analyze your segments to see if you’re effectively dividing your audience. Track conversion rates to catch any points where customers are losing interest. Make changes to your workflows and run A/B tests to compare different approaches and find what works best. Marketing automation should help you guide people through the buying journey more effectively.

Wrap up 

These are the best marketing automation tips to help guide your strategy. Make sure you’re fully clear on who you want to target, how to reach them, and when.

After setting up your workflows and gathering the right data, find ways to improve your campaigns and refine your processes.

If you want to simplify your marketing automation, Reach out to us, and let’s see how we can help boost and streamline your inbound conversion.

With our comprehensive marketing automation services, we can assist you in optimizing your marketing efforts.


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