How Long Should a Blog Post be for SEO in 2024?

How Long Should a Blog Post be for SEO in 2024


Picture this: you’re sitting down to write a blog post, armed with your keyword research and a plethora of ideas swirling in your mind. As you start typing, a question nags at you: How Long Should a Blog Post be for SEO in 2024?

It’s no secret that the rules seem to shift like sand beneath our feet. What once worked flawlessly might not yield the same results today. So, how do we adapt? How do we ensure our content remains visible amidst the digital cacophony?

In this article we’ll uncover not just the ideal word count, but also how it influence SEO rankings and user engagement. So, grab your metaphorical compass, and let’s navigate through the ever-shifting seas of SEO together.

Why does article length matter? 

The length of your articles wields a profound influence on SEO success in 2024. It is indispensable due to the following reasons.

1. Comprehensive coverage 

Longer articles often have the capacity to cover a topic comprehensively, addressing various aspects and questions that users might have. This comprehensive coverage signals to search engines that your content is a valuable resource.

2. User engagement 

In an era where user experience reigns supreme, longer content isn’t just about meeting word count quotas; it’s about holding the reader’s attention. 

Engaging content, peppered with valuable insights, keeps users on your page longer, reducing bounce rates and signaling to search engines that your content is relevant and beneficial.

3. Keyword opportunities

Lengthier content provides ample opportunities to naturally incorporate relevant keywords and phrases. This strategic keyword placement in longer articles can boost your content’s visibility.

Learn how to improve your organic keywords. 

4. Backlink magnet 

Quality backlinks remain a cornerstone of SEO success. Longer, in-depth articles have a higher likelihood of attracting backlinks from authoritative sources within your niche. 

When other websites link to your comprehensive content, it signals to search engines that your page is a valuable and trustworthy resource.

5. Evolving algorithm preferences 

As search engines continue to refine their algorithms, a preference for longer, high-quality content has become evident. 

Google, in particular, aims to deliver the best possible results to its users, and longer articles often align with this objective by offering more substantial information.

The length of your blog post isn’t a mere numerical metric but a strategic decision that influences how your content is perceived by both users and search engines. 

How Long Should a Blog Post be for SEO in 2024?

Now that we’ve established the significance of article length in the SEO landscape of 2024, the natural question arises: how long should a blog post be to optimize for search engine visibility? 

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, diving into the complexities will empower you to make an informed decision tailored to your specific content and audience.

1. Quality over quantity

In an era where content saturation is a real concern, the emphasis shifts from sheer volume to the quality of information presented. 

Google’s algorithms are sophisticated enough to prioritize content that answers user queries thoroughly and authoritatively. 

Aim for a length that allows you to provide valuable insights without unnecessary fluff.

2. User intent analysis 

Understanding the intent behind user queries is pivotal. Some topics might demand in-depth exploration, while others are better suited for concise, to-the-point content. 

Conduct keyword research and analyze user intent to gauge the informational depth your target audience seeks.

3. Industry standards 

While there’s no magic word count, industry standards can offer a helpful benchmark. For certain topics, a 1,500 to 2,500-word range may be ideal, allowing for a comprehensive exploration without overwhelming the reader. 

However, for others, a mere 800-word post might suffice. Let the nature of your content guide your decision.

4. Competitor analysis 

Keep a watchful eye on competitors who consistently rank high in your niche. Analyze the length of their successful blog posts. 

While imitation isn’t the goal, understanding what resonates with your shared audience can offer valuable insights into the content length that performs well in your industry.

5. Mobile-friendly considerations 

With the proliferation of mobile devices, optimizing for a seamless mobile experience is crucial. While longer-form content is often favored for SEO, ensure that your post remains accessible and engaging on various devices. 

Break down longer articles into digestible sections with clear headings to cater to diverse reader preferences.

6. Test and refine 

The dynamic nature of SEO calls for a flexible approach. Test different content lengths and analyze their performance. Leverage analytics to understand how your audience responds to varying article lengths. This process allows you to refine your strategy based on real-time data. 

Remember, the ideal blog post length isn’t a static number etched in stone. It’s a fluid aspect of content strategy that requires continuous refinement.

What should be ideal blog post lengths for different blog types?

The length of a blog post holds remarkable sway over reader engagement. It’s a delicate balance, finding the perfect word count for your blog.

Let us understand what is the ideal blog post length for different blog types.

1. How long should pillar pages be? 

Pillar pages serve as the cornerstone of your content strategy, offering comprehensive coverage on a broad topic. In 2024, aim for pillar pages ranging between 4,000 to 6,000 words. 

This extensive length allows for an in-depth exploration, catering to both user intent and search engine algorithms. Break down the content into digestible sections, supported by internal and external links, creating a robust pillar that anchors your site’s authority.

2. What is the best length for a listicle blog post? 

Listicles, known for their scannable and engaging format, thrive on a balance between brevity and depth. Aim for a word count ranging from 1,500 to 2,500 words. 

This provides ample room for detailed explanations under each list item without overwhelming the reader. Incorporate visually appealing elements such as images or infographics to enhance the listicle’s appeal and shareability.

3. How Long Should a “What Is…” Article Be?

“What is” articles aim to demystify concepts or topics. Striking a balance between clarity and conciseness, target a word count of 800 to 1,500 words. Use a straightforward structure, employing headers and bullet points for easy comprehension.

4. What is the ideal SEO length for a “how to” article? 

How-to articles guide readers through a process, demanding a delicate balance between thorough guidance and reader engagement. Shoot for a word count between 2,000 to 3,000 words. 

This length allows for step-by-step instructions, accompanied by visuals, ensuring your “How to” content serves as a comprehensive resource. Prioritize clarity and user experience to enhance the article’s SEO potential.

5. What else matters? 

Beyond word count, other factors significantly impact your blog’s SEO performance, including:

1. Engaging visuals: Supplement your content with high-quality visuals, including images, infographics, and videos. Visual elements not only enhance user experience but also contribute to your content’s shareability and potential for backlinks.

2. Internal and external linking: Strategically incorporate internal links to other relevant pages on your site, promoting a seamless user journey. External links to authoritative sources bolster your content’s credibility and signal to search engines that your information is well-researched.

3. Mobile-friendly formatting: Optimize your content for mobile devices by using responsive design elements. Ensure that your blog posts remain visually appealing and easily navigable on various screen sizes.

4. User engagement metrics: Track user engagement metrics such as time on page, bounce rate, and social shares. Analyzing these metrics provides valuable insights into how your audience interacts with your content, guiding future optimizations.

By tailoring your approach to each format and incorporating essential elements, you pave the way for content that not only ranks high but resonates with your audience on a profound level.


Crafting an effective blog post for SEO in 2024 requires striking a balance between depth and brevity. Gone are the days of fixating solely on word count; instead, focus on delivering valuable, engaging content that resonates with your audience. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the ideal length, aim for thorough coverage of your topic without unnecessary fluff. 

Ultimately, prioritize quality over quantity, ensuring every word serves a purpose and enhances the reader’s experience. By doing so, you’ll not only boost your SEO rankings but also promote genuine connections with your audience, driving sustained engagement and growth for your blog.

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