10 Tips to craft a killer sales page in 2023 from decoding Stefan Georgi’s sales page

10 Tips to Craft a Killer Sales Page in 2023 from Decoding Stefan Georgi’s Sales Page

Who was the most famous copywriter in the world in 2022?

Any guesses?! It is Stefan Georgi!

Stefan Georgi is a living legend who is renowned for his copywriting and marketing expertise.

He is the creator of the Copy Accelerator Mastermind, a program that teaches people how to write persuasive and profitable copy.

He is widely known for selling over $1,000,000,000 worth of products and services while running his course. Yes, that’s over a whopping 1 billion dollars!

Besides, he was chosen as the most famous copywriter in 2022 based on 700+ interviews conducted by 

With that being said, let’s decode the sales page of Stephan’s copywriting course and take away the tips to build our own money-making machines!

Decoding the sales page of RMBC - Stefan Georgi’s copywriting course:

1) Headline: Such an amazing headline with hidden factors!

A clear, concise & compelling headline that incorporates the following factors as well: (Desire, Curiosity, and Specificity).

  • Bringing in a DOABLE mindset for the audience: This simple
  • Specificity: a 4-step method
  • Desire:  Took Me From Broke and Living In A Trailer To Generating Over $700MM
  • Evoking curiosity:  Overall, the headline leaves the readers with questions: What are the 4 steps? Can this method transform my life too?
  • The headline does its job! (Hooking the readers with “what’s next?”)

2) Subheadline

Subheadline focuses on cutting down overwhelming feelings, fears & self-doubts of the audience by instilling hope – anyone can start consistently pumping out winning sales copy starting TODAY!

Why is it important?

  • $700+ million excites as well as daunts some people. As a result, beginners might assume that RMBC isn’t for them. This subheadline shatters the misconception right from the beginning itself.
  • Plus, it ignites the curiosity to learn those 4 steps to step up one’s copy game!

3) Unraveling the 4 simple steps

Short descriptions about each step. Straight to the point.

  • What is it?
  • Why is it important?

4) Social proof

Raw testimonials that depict the transformations happening in people’s lives after taking the course are valuable assets for any course creator.

Why? People can relate to them and be inspired to take action by realizing the fact that they too can have similar results!

5) Breaking down the course into 10 modules

This section does 3 things.

  • #1 Highlights that 10 modules are waiting in there for the readers
  • #2 Emphasizing that these modules are clear, systematic, and detailed
  • #3 Nudges the readers to know more about the 10 mysterious modules

Apart from that, this section is essential to clarify the following doubts readers might have in mind – (What if the modules are complex and we can’t leverage them?)

6) Visuals

What do you see up there? Self explanatory visuals!

These visuals instantly convey the message: you can consume the entire course from anywhere and from any device seamlessly.

7) Unveiling the 10 modules and setting the right expectations

All the modules within the course are unveiled with supporting text that describes what people can expect from those modules.

Easily digestible explanations, examples, and real-time demonstrations show the real value of the course while providing clarity and confidence to purchase it.

8) Bonus

“Under promise and over deliver!”

  • What’s in it? Mentioned clearly
  • Why is it provided for FREE? “He wants this to be the most comprehensive copywriting training system you’ll ever see!”

9) Reassuring social proof

  • Transformational testimonial
  • Result-oriented testimonial
  • Transformational & result-oriented testimonials ignite the burning desires within the target audience, build conviction through convincing after effects, and convert like crazy! Period.

10) FAQs

Confusion kills conversion. That’s why FAQs kill the confusion and convince people to transform their lives by “TAKING ACTION!”

11) CTV and Flexible options

The supporting title for the CTV speaks the language of the customer. This explains how well Stefan Georgi knew about their target audience.

  • Why CTV instead of CTA? CTV puts the spotlight on the customers, while CTA puts it on the product/service being offered.
  • People like to be in charge, not the other way around. That’s why CTV >> CTA!
  • CTV sparks up the desire, and urgency with the keyword “instant access.”

Flexible payment options bring in most people waiting on the fence while oscillating on whether to buy or bounce off.

What could have made the sales page much BETTER?

  • Addition of more result-oriented testimonials (Before – after testimonials
  • Addition of Video testimonials would be a real game changer!
  • Highlighting the value-bombs hidden inside the FAQs. For example:

Although it is highlighted on the payment page, it would have had a significant positive impact if it’s showcased in the sales page copy. And that’s all.

Very well! We have successfully decoded one of the money-making machines of Stefan Georgi. Don’t you want to grab some meat from the decode for building yours?

Let’s dive right into –

“The top ten tips to craft a killer sales page in 2023.”

1) Know your audience inside-out

Without knowing your audience, it’s almost impossible to craft copy that CONVERTS. Because insane strategies are born from a profound understanding of who the audience is, what they want, and what they don’t want.

Once you understand their desires, beliefs, fears, motivation factors, and objections, you can effortlessly craft irresistible offers or copy those that convert!

Bottom line: Get to know them, put yourself in their shoes, and talk to them the way they do in order to earn them as your beloved customers.

2) The skeleton of the sales page

The structure (skeleton) of your sales page determines whether it drives sales or drives leads away! If you fail to organize the information in a concise, compelling, and easily digestible way, then nothing can stop your leads from bouncing off the page.

Imagine that you just landed on a sales page. Firstly, you would skim through the document, look for what’s in it for you, and start paying attention to the section that grabs your attention the most. Right? 

What would you do if the messages were confusing, not so compelling, and lacking in authenticity? You would leave the page right away. That’s exactly what your audience does with your landing page. 

That’s why you should include the essential elements appropriately: 

  • a clear & attention-grabbing headline
  • attention retaining subheadings
  • persuasive call-to-action(s)
  • transformational social proofs are important for crafting a killer sales page

3) Grab your audience's attention and retain them with compelling headlines

Attention is the new currency in this digital era. Isn’t it? That’s why crafting headlines that attract the attention of your audience and retain them with compelling sub-headings is inevitably important.

Now, how can you craft them?

By positioning 

  • a benefit-driven headline 
  • hitting their pain points 
  • evoking curiosity 
  • being specific
  • and/or highlighting the transformation your products/services offered can help you craft such killer copy.

4) Use specific, quantifiable, and emotion-evoking language:

When it comes to crafting a sales page, the language you use is crucial. Using specific, quantifiable, and emotion-evoking language helps you connect with your audience and persuade them to take action.

Specific language refers to the use of concrete and detailed information about your product or service. For example, “our product has been shown to increase productivity by 30% in just one month.” 

Quantifiable language refers to the use of numbers and statistics to support your claims. Emotion-evoking language refers to the use of words that elicit an emotional response, such as “Transform your life” or “Eliminate your pain”. How does it work? 

The secret lies in the powerful emotions of fear and desire. Fears and desires are tied to the pain points and goals of your audience. That’s why it’s essential to understand your audience inside-out and leverage that understanding.

5) Highlight your product/service USP & how it solves specific problems:

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what sets your product or service apart from the competition. Highlighting your USP and explaining how it solves specific problems that your target audience is facing helps to create a clear and compelling message.

For example, if your product is a weight-loss supplement, you can explain how it specifically targets belly fat and increases metabolism. By doing so, you are addressing a specific problem that people may have and how your product can solve it.

6) Use storytelling techniques to create an emotional connection with the readers

Scarcity and urgency tactics can be used to create a sense of limited availability and encourage your audience to take immediate action.

How? It creates a now-or-never situation. That’s how it motivates potential customers to purchase before the opportunity is gone, as they may feel they will miss out on a good deal or the product or service may not be available again in the future.

As a result, customers may feel compelled to make a purchase rather than risk missing out on the opportunity or overcoming any hesitation or indecision they might have about buying.


  • Only 4 left in stock – order soon
  • Offer ends in 15m 21s

7) Use scarcity and urgency tactics

Scarcity and urgency tactics can be used to create a sense of limited availability, and encourage your audience to take immediate action.

How? It creates a now-or-never situation. That’s how it motivates potential customers to purchase before the opportunity is gone, as they may feel they will miss out on a good deal or the product or service may not be available again in the future.

As a result, customers may feel compelled to make a purchase, rather than risk missing out on the opportunity, or overcoming any hesitation as well as indecision they might have about buying.


  • Only 4 left in stock – order soon
  • Offer ends in 15m 21s


A clear call-to-action (CTA) is essential for any sales page. The CTA is the action that you want your audience to take, and it should be prominently displayed and easy to understand. Example: Sign up, buy now, and request a demo.

A CTV is the “call-to-value” and it refers to the action that your audience will take after the CTA in order to see the value of your product or service. This can be something like a free trial, a demo, or a consultation.

Examples: Start My Free Trial and Schedule a FREE Discovery Call.

The difference between CTA and CTV: 

  • CTA: People are told what to do
  • CTV: People ask/obtain what they want

Bottom line: CTV > >CTA.

9) Result-driven testimonials:

Testimonials are a powerful tool to help build trust and credibility with your audience. Use result-driven testimonials that show how your product or service has helped others achieve specific results.

This will help to build trust and reassure your audience that your product or service can deliver the results they’re looking for.

For example, have a look at the real-time testimonials attached below in the decoding!

10) Read aloud, remove clutter, refine, and reap results:

Finally, make sure to read your sales page aloud and remove any clutter. Refining your language and removing any unnecessary information will make your page easier to read and understand.

By doing so, you will increase the chances that your audience will stay engaged and take the desired action. By following these tips, you will be able to create a sales page, aka your powerful money-making machine!

Conclusion (RECAP) :

  • If you want to craft amazing headlines and marketing messages like how Stefan has written up there, know your audience inside-out!
  • Did you skim through this blog? That’s what your audience will do as well. So, sculpt the structure of your sales page (or any other marketing material) carefully
  • Grabbing & retaining your audience’s attention is a NO-BRAINER! How to do that? Revisit tip #3 : ) 
  • Remember the keywords – “1 billion dollars, most popular copywriter in 2022, being broke”? All credits go to tip #4
  • If you were asked to choose 1 among the top 5 football players, what would you do? You would choose the best, and you will have a reason(s) for choosing that one (USP). The best one stands out from the rest. That’s why you should highlight your USP
  • Key to be remembered for a long time? Storytelling!
  • Only 4 left in stock – order soon (scarcity) & Offer ends in 15m 21s (urgency)
  • CTA: People are told what to do. CTV: People ask/obtain what they want. Which one would you prefer as a customer? You get the idea.
  • Three things to consider before purchasing a product online. Price, ratings & reviews (testimonials). You know why!
  • Transform your thoughts into words without hesitation. Edit, edit & edit. Refine and Reap results!

You are now ready to craft your killer money-making machine! So, what are you waiting for? Build yours now. In case you would like some assistance from seasoned copywriters or marketers, could be your go-to site.

Learn how they can help you surpass the milestones you’re currently planning to reach!

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