11 B2B SaaS SEO Best Practices That Drive Results in 2024

  • Last updated on Mar 30

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11 B2B SaaS SEO Best Practices That Drive Results in 2024



The world of B2B SaaS SEO may be extremely cutthroat. It is imperative that your firm has a well-optimized website that draws in organic visitors automatically.

Prospective customers hunt for your kind of software on Google, weighing the pros and cons of several options to determine which best suits their requirements.

Whether we like it or not, high-level SEO may be really complex. Fortunately, there are a few fundamentals that all business-to-business (B2B) SaaS companies need to pay attention to to increase their exposure and search engine ranks without making any educated guesses.

Revv Growth has vast expertise in collaborating with SaaS firms of various sizes and stages of development. B2B SaaS companies should adhere to our recommended SEO techniques to lower their acquisition costs.

What is b2b saas SEO? 


The practice of improving your SaaS website’s exposure and rating on search engines like Google and Bing is known as SaaS SEO. Its goal is to draw in additional organic traffic, leads, and clients interested in the SaaS company’s software.

It necessitates a SaaS-specific strategy and entails applying several SEO tactics, such as keyword research, technical SEO (optimizing your site for search engines and the user experience), and link building (creating links that point to your site).

With SaaS SEO, you can:

  • Draw in prospective clients
  • Develop authority and trust
  • Boost conversion rates
  • Lower the cost of acquiring new customers and more.

Why is SEO important for saas business? 


SEO can help SaaS companies reach potential clients who are searching for software solutions. SaaS companies rely more on their websites than most other types of companies to highlight their features, benefits, prices, and customer testimonials.

This implies the significance of maintaining a well-ranked website that furnishes pertinent and insightful content. Such a platform becomes indispensable for driving lead generation, conversions, and ultimately, revenue growth.

How is SEO different for saas companies? 


There are two primary ways that SEO for SaaS enterprises differs from traditional SEO:

  • Primarily, SaaS SEO revolves around understanding personas and addressing specific pain points. Identifying your target audience, comprehending their challenges, and demonstrating how your software resolves these issues are paramount.
  • Second, conversions are frequently the focus of SaaS SEO rather than traffic.

You’re not offering a unique product for sale. You’re marketing a long-term fix. That being said, you should optimize your website and content for signups and clicks. 

How are you able to accomplish that? 

Throughout the customer life cycle, demonstrate the features and advantages of your program to potential customers through various content formats, such as case studies, demos, and free trials. 

6 Best SEO practices for b2b saas companies


1. Create customer personas for b2b saas.


The first step in SEO is to know your audience well. Customer personas assist you in determining not only the identity of your target audience, the keywords they use, and the content that will resonate with them. They take the shape of a detailed synopsis of a fictional person representing a single audience member.

A successful B2B SaaS client profile will respond to the following queries:

  • What kind of business does the participant in the audience work for?
  • What is their position title, and what duties do they have?
  • Do they make most of the decisions, and how close are they if not?
  • In what ways may your software help them?

After that, personas can be ranked in order of anticipated client lifetime value to guarantee keywords with

2. Identify transactional, high-volume keywords


Knowing your target market can help you determine what terms and phrases they are most likely to use on Google to find solutions to issues or relief from pain points. These keywords are transactional; they show that a searcher is interested in your software. 

In B2B SaaS companies, highly transactional terms usually refer to searches for software, solutions, or providers. These keywords should be the primary focus of your SEO effort because they are most likely to produce warmer leads. Because some members of your target audience may conduct research before purchasing, keywords with a research focus are still partly transactional. These are less important since, although they are less transactional and produce fewer leads, they will increase trust and brand reputation.

Keywords that are searched just for research reasons are known as non-transactional keywords. Although your target audience might search for them, most people who use these keywords aren’t prepared to buy anything right now. Additionally, there is typically more rivalry for them, so SEO tactics to generate leads are unsuitable.

3. Calculating the volume of keyword searches


Your campaign targets transactional terms with significant search volume. The simplest method to determine whether a keyword has enough search volume to be part of your SEO plan is to start typing it into the Google search bar and check to see if it shows up in the autofill list of 10 terms.

SEO tools like Ahrefs, Moz, and Google Keyword Planner are more comprehensive solutions for analysing keyword search volume. These resources offer thorough keyword data, including search volume, rivalry from other websites, and numerous other variables that can guide your search engine optimization plan. 

4. Bring the hub and spoke model to use in your content strategy


The majority of B2B SaaS providers may target a large number of transactional keywords with significant search volume. The Hub & Spoke Model is the most effective technique for arranging these keywords into a thorough SEO strategy. Pages that target broad “hub” keywords and those that target specific “spoke”: This paradigm separates out keywords that contain a hub keyword as a whole. Getting ranked for the hub increases your company’s authority in your industry, increasing consumer trust and brand recognition. Getting ranked for the more focused spokes produces leads right away.

5. Create content that satisfies the search intent


Google’s algorithm prioritises content that addresses each search query’s purpose— the search intent associated with a particular keyword. Your pages’ page type should be determined by the search intent as much as the content. The ideal page type for each of the seven categories of search intent is listed in the following table:

When looking up “top customer service management companies,” for instance, searchers are probably comparing and contrasting various choices available in the market. Thus, a comparison blog covering the big providers would be helpful. Users who search for “customer service management software” are probably looking for a specific product to purchase, so a landing page that offers a concise, detailed synopsis of the company’s unique selling points would be more beneficial to them.

A page’s content must align with the targeted keyword’s search intent. It must be accurate, responding to the precise query that prompted the user to search on Google; customised, using industry terminology and real-world examples pertinent to their daily struggles; and the proper portion size, offering a response of suitable length and detail. A page can only rank on Google’s first page if it satisfies all three of these requirements for being deemed to have outstanding SEO content.

6. Monitor KPIs and modify your approach. 


As a result, SEO is a long-term approach that takes four to six months to start producing benefits. Errors are expensive, so monitoring the appropriate KPIs is crucial to modify your plan as necessary successfully.

Campaigns that don’t meet those criteria will either need to improve the quality of their content, modify their keyword targeting, or both. For instance, bad UX and ambiguous CTAs frequently lead to low conversion rates, which are made worse by targeting too few transactional keywords. Similarly, high bounce rates frequently suggest that your material lacks sufficient immobility due to infographics, tables, and charts and is not appropriately matched to search intent.



B2B SaaS companies that want to succeed in 2024 and beyond must understand the nuances of SEO. By implementing these best practices, businesses may improve their online presence, draw in qualified leads, and eventually spur long-term growth in the cutthroat digital market. Accept how SEO is changing and set out to succeed in the B2B SaaS sector like never before.

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